3 Tips on How to Quit Smoking

There are a number of smokers who want to stop smoking cigarettes, but they do not know how. Fortunately, there are five ways on how to quit smoking, so you can try these out.

First, smokers have to be educated that even if the manufacturer says that cigarettes are “light,” “filtered”or“low tar” these kinds of cigarettes are still dangerous and very addicting. It does not matter how these products are advertised because the fact is that smoking will cause damaged blood vessels, lungs and cells throughout the body. The important thing is that smokers should not be misled by cigarette products and their supposed “benefits.”

Secondly, a person should write a journal on why he or she would like to quit puffing cigarettes. This is important because this will enable a person to regain control of his life, be healthier, be an example to his sons or daughters and protect his loved ones from other people’s cigarette smoke. By keeping that journal, a person will be able to kick his habit sooner than expected. Thirdly, a smoker is aware that he has gotten used to the effects of cigarette smoke due to nicotine. This drug makes it hard for a person to quit smoking because of its addicting properties. However, a person can win his or her personal battle if he or she realizes the need to quit. By preparing for withdrawal symptoms, a smoker will be able to deal with his bad moods and control the urge to puff a cigarette.

Also, an ex-smoker may use a number of nicotine replacement products that are approved by the FDA and use them if they have the urge to look for a cigarette. Still, it is not easy because of the withdrawal symptoms that may bother them. However, the worst symptom will only last for a few days at the least or a couple of weeks at the most. Perhaps the best way to approach this dilemma is to quit a day at a time, so this approach will eventually bore fruit in the long run. Fourth, the good news is that millions of people have willed themselves on how to quit smoking. They have decided that there are more things to life than just wasting their time puffing packs of cigarettes.

Lastly, there are some smokers who need help so they can call any non-government organization or other groups that will help them curb their need to smoke cigarettes.