Control Your Cravings and Quit Smoking!

To quit smoking is probably one of the most difficult tasks to do. Even if you are able to abstain from it for a few days, or even weeks, it still remains hard. Luckily, there are ways to control your cravings; other than the fact that you need to develop self-control and enough willpower.

How to Control Your Cravings and Quit Smoking for Good?

1. Remain Active

People tend to smoke out of boredom, which is why you should remain active. Try to exercise, play games, read books, or simply anything that will keep your mind occupied. You can even try to find people who are trying to quit as well, so you can understand each other better.

2. Replace it with a better Habit

Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, try to do something to act as a replacement. Eating candies have been the popular choice of most people because this will not only be a cheaper choice, but it will keep your mouth busy as well.

3. Eat Smart

Sugary food will help you suppress your cravings because your serotonin level will increase. Serotonin transmits that “feel-good” feeling to the brain, which will then satisfy your craving for a cigarette. Bananas are also recommended, because they are believed to help suppress urges to smoke. Try making some banana shakes so that you will be able to absorb the component that helps prevent those urges from coming up.

4. Try Acupuncture

Smokers smoke because it relaxes them. Another way to relax is increasing your endorphin level, which is believed to be gotten from acupuncture.

5. Self-help Books

When all else fails, try to read some self-help books. Not only will it keep your mind occupied, but it will also provide the information that you may need to finally stop the habit.

6. Use Cigarette Substitutes

If you really can’t control your cravings, try some nicotine patches or electronic cigarettes. Nicotine patches are there to provide you with nicotine (cause of your addiction) without smoking. Electronic cigarettes do not have tobacco and will serve as a great substitute, because you will be tricking your brain – in a way – that you are still smoking.

Remember, once you light another cigarette, it will only take about ten seconds for the nicotine to reach your brain and do its harmful effects. So try to avoid getting any major dose of nicotine in your system to finally quit smoking.