The Great Benefits when You Quit Smoking

The most important benefits that you can get when you quit smoking is the improvement of the operations of the internal organs as well as the whole body system because of the removal of dangerous poisons and chemicals in the tobacco smoke. Aside from the fact that nicotine promotes addiction and triggers imbalances in the human body, some components in cigarettes can cause lung cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

•Once you quit smoking, your pulse and blood pressure will go back to normal in just twenty minutes. In addition, you will already observe the change in yourself if you do not smoke for twenty minutes – and these are just the first signs of improvement.

•After eight hours of not smoking, the carbon monoxide and nicotine will decrease by half at the blood level. In addition, the oxygen will return to the normal level.

•In twelve hours, the level of carbon monoxide will go back to normal and it will be eliminated completely from your system in twenty-four hours. During this process, the mucous and smoking remains will be removed from your lungs.

•Your sense of smell and your sense of taste will improve just after two days of not smoking.

•The bronchial tubes located in your lungs will relax and this will result to improved breathing. The function of your lungs will also return to normal and you will have a higher level of energy.

•While you cannot undo the damage made by many years of smoking, there are still a lot of significant improvements in your health after quitting smoking. According to experts, it usually takes nine months before you experience the ten percent improvement in your lung functions. It may seem a long time but you will definitely feel a lot better when the coughs, wheezing and the breathing difficulties will be gone.

•Someone who has stopped smoking has much higher life expectancy. This is because the risk of having coronary heart disease and heart attacks will decrease by half.

•People who have stopped smoking for around five to fifteen years have lower risk of having stroke and the development of lung cancer will be very unlikely.

•Researches show that smokers have a critical risk of dying before they reach the age of sixty-five. If you stop smoking before you reach the age of fifty, that risk will decrease considerably.

If you want to feel better, maintain good health and live longer, you must begin planning on how to quit smoking.