Almost every smoker has the same reaction when smoking cessation is being discussed. Some refuse to listen to the tips and advice; some are willing, but have no idea how. There has to be a guideline to successfully quit smoking.
First of all, when the smoker feels the need to quit smoking, he must be convinced that he really wants to and be decided 100%. Making this decision involves considering the harmful effects of nicotine to your body and the benefit you can get from being free of it. Ask yourself: “Am I afraid to suffer from the diseases which are related to smoking?” If your answer is “yes”, then convince yourself that you do not really want to have any of these diseases. Convince yourself and make yourself believe that there are more benefits in quitting than in smoking. Look back to the people you know who already suffered from the diseases that smoking brought. Do you want to be like them? Of course not! Now, ask yourself, once you are decided, if you are really ready to quit smoking. If you are, you can now proceed to the next move.
Once your decision to quit smoking is final, the second important thing to do is to pick an exact desired date to do it. Concentrate on it. Pick the nearest possible date. Longer delays can make you change your mind. Just give yourself an ample time to prepare yourself, and be ready for the withdrawal. It is advisable to pick a date that is important to you so you can make it special. The tip to achieve your goal is to little by little minimize your cigarette consumption. Like, let us say, in the last two weeks before your quit date, smoke lesser and lesser each day. It really helps.
Then comes the quit day! The most awaited day in the process of quitting where you will not smoke at all. Not even a single puff. Repeat, NOT AT ALL. Consume yourself with other things like walking, jogging, exercise, cycling, be active. Avoid looking at people who smoke and stay away from them so you will not be tempted. Change you ways. Keep yourself out from situations that may push you to light up a cigarette. Avoid alcoholic drinks.
Instead, drink a lot of water and fresh juices. Read more tips and advice to conquer your desire to smoke again. And finally, be ready to deal with the withdrawal symptoms.