Quit-smoking Quotes that Will Surely Make You Consider Quitting

Every smoker knows pretty well that it sure is difficult to finally get oneself off the butt, but accidental reading of quit-smoking quotes can compel poison-gas inhalers to take a moment or two to consider pulling themselves out of the habit. Here are some of those powerful quotes without writing verbatim and without mentioning if those who verbalize them are themselves successful quitters.

Planning to Quit Smoking is an Unsettling Experience

Quitting smoking is usually planned and the experience of planning to quit is remarkably unsettling. It can feel like someone has “dropped a bomb in your life,” according to one quitter. This suggests that getting hooked in the smoking habit can surely make one feel being under the control of something that is so powerful you wouldn’t take the risk of getting rid your life out of it. To those who are contemplating to join the band, you should think twice and to those who are already in it, you should consider stopping when the clout hasn’t grown that strong yet.

The Habit Will Stop No Matter What

Another quote goes something like this: “Sooner or later, a smoker will stop smoking or smoking will consume his life to its ending.” It is either one decides and successfully quit or one continues and prolong the habit until smoking causes dear life to end – a rather vicious way of dying. If those grimly pictures of men and women who are horribly suffering from smoking-related diseases cannot make you free yourself of those carcinogens coming from tobacco smoke, then you are choosing to be sentenced to death courtesy of lung cancer or emphysema.

Stop Now and Get Yourself Out of Being a Part of Statistics

As a smoker, you have become a part of statistics in researches. The number of casualties worldwide is recorded in millions, but this information isn’t just meant to scare the hell out of you. These researches serve to push governments to restrict tobacco businesses, if not to eliminate them altogether. The trade seems unlikely to stop anywhere in the near future and until then, you will suffer the serious consequence of becoming a part of cigarette smoking statistics – that doesn’t feel any advantageous to your ego for sure. Yes, you would probably defend yourself by saying that you are a better person than any statistical data would seem to portray.

These quit-smoking quotes were said with good intent and it is really just up to you whether to bend for your good or to be stubborn towards utter destruction.